The songs are in order!  The first 5 songs we will just play on the instruments before it starts!
The video that is grey, you can get to it by clicking the youtube link in the box. 

(Watch on Youtube)

These are the songs we will play together before it starts without singing.

Day by Day
Key of C

Mansion Over the Hilltop
1st Fret G = Ab

Mansion Over The Hilltop
1 Fret G = Ab

Amazing Grace
Click on the Watch on Youtube link
2 Fret C = D   change to 
3rd Fret C = Eb

Tell me the Story of Jesus
Key of C

These two songs we will sing!

What a Friend We Have in Jesus

2nd Fret C = D

To God Be The Glory
Key of G

Other songs we will sing and play, but not with background music are:

  1. Happy Birthday  (2nd Fret C = D)
    2. I’ve got the Joy, joy, joy ,joy (2nd Fret G = A
    3.  This Little Light of Mine (2nd Fret G = A)
    4.  Rise and Shine and Give God the Glory (Just the chorus)