Rapture Kit

What is a Rapturre Kit?
The Rapture Kit resource is a 32-GigaByte USB (Flash Drive) preloaded with an abundance of educational, evangelistic, and discipleship materials.
A Rapture Kit is a resource designed to aid believers in actively praying for and reaching out to individuals who are not yet saved and in danger of being left behind after the Rapture.
The goal is two-fold:
- To inform and lead individuals to Jesus Christ BEFORE the Rapture.
We pray for and strongly suspect that many individuals that receive a Rapture Kit
from a loved one (you, the sender of the Kit) might be curious enough about the
Rapture and the Prophetic Timeline to yield to Jesus Christ now and thus escape
the coming Tribulation period. - To lead individuals to Jesus Christ AFTER the Rapture. If the Rapture Kit
recipient is left behind, the Kit will explain what just happened in order to fight
deception coming from the Antichrist World System narrative. We speak honestly,
directly, and in some cases very bluntly about what Tribulation Saints need to know
and do. Always, in love, and always intentionally pointing to our Lord and Savior
Jesus Christ as the one and only way to Salvation and an eternally secure future.
The giving of a Rapture Kit is an expression of care and God’s love, and a way for believers
today to have a spiritual impact in the world even after they have been taken in the
Rapture by Christ.
- A Rapture Kit is a collection of resources designed to draw people to faith, explain
what the Rapture is and what has happened, and help individuals be prepared for
events associated with the Tribulation.
A Rapture Kit is a resource that will aid believers in being a witness before the
Rapture, and draw individuals to faith and equip new believers for service in a
post-Rapture world.
The RAPTURE KIT by [IAMAWATCHMAN.com] has been compiled by a group of
believers in Jesus Christ who had a heart and vision for the lost who may be headed
for the TRIBULATION, or who are entering the TRIBULATION because the
RAPTURE has happened. They have put together a RAPTURE KIT that is full
of information and helps, encouragement and steps to take and follow if waking up
and finding oneself unprepared for the Rapture of the Church and left behind to go
through the Tribulation after the Rapture.
Summary of the Contents of the Rapture Kit
SECTION 1 – Introduction
First things first: This is the recommended starting point for discovering what just happened and why. Important videos:
- Did Many People Just Disappear (15 minutes)
- What just happened? (56 minutes)
- Post Rapture Emergency Message (3-part, 45 minute audio)
- Resources
SECTION 3 – Bibles in PDF form
SECTION 4 – BOOKS (19 books – 1,800 pages with guidance on what to do)
SECTION 5 – Discipleship study materials (included are video presentations on Nehemiah, Reasons to Believe, The Gift of Salvation, The Story of Jesus Bible Study, The Wonder of Bible Prophecy, and What it means to be a Watchman)
SECTION 6 – What TRIBULATION Saints need to know
SECTION 7 – Sermons and Teachings
SECTION 8 – Additional Articles (topics meant to encourage, equip and train CHRIST Followers to finish well.
Jeremiah 29:11 says: “You will seek Me and find Me when you seek Me with all your heart.”
For a MORE detailed look at the contents of the RAPTURE KIT
Go to: rapturekit.org/overview